How do I search for files with word/text in the file on Windows 7

In windows 7 - I want to search for all files containing "A word or phrase in the file". XP search box style

Open My Computer -- Organize --> Folder and Search Options

There is an Option that says "Always Search file names and contents (this might take several minutes)

Select this option and click Ok. Now try to search your files. Once You are done with this search revert the setting to old one. This may save your time for future searches.

One more way is..

In Windows Explorer, click the search box, and start typing (or you can press the Windows logo key +F to bring up search). The search box filters the current view based on the text that you type. Files are displayed as search results if your search term matches the file's name, tags or other properties, or even the text inside a text document.
If you're searching for a file based on a property (such as the file's type), you can narrow the search before you start typing by clicking the search box, and then clicking one of the properties just below the search box. This adds a search filter (such as "type") to your search text, which will give you more accurate results.
If you aren't seeing the file you're looking for, you can change the entire scope of a search by clicking one of the options at the bottom of the search results. For example, if you search for a file in the Documents library but you can't find it, you can click Libraries to expand the search to the rest of your libraries.
Also, you can use the following syntax for searching: “*”.
For example:
i. *234033 -> searches for file which has the content 234033
ii. 234033*. -> searches for files which starts with 234033

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